Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Fun Pageantry Weekend

What a great weekend full of pageantry! Friday night, I attended the Miss Kansas City/Miss City of Fountains Pageant! Congratulations to the directors and board for running a fabulous pageant and of course to the new royalty! It was amazing to see one of my best friends from the outstanding teen program, Jocelyn Weyer be crowned Miss Kansas City! Saturday, I went to the Missouri & Kansas International Junior Miss Pageant! I loved watching Stevie Bisch crown her successor and catch up with old friends from MMOT! The MAO sisterhood is something I will always cherish!

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Hearts for the kids

This week I had the opportunity to visit MU Women's and Children's Hospital. I have visited many times before, but this visit I noticed that there were a lot more kids there, and many of them seemed to have much more serious illnesses than normal. I was told there are a lot of respiratory illnesses at this time of year. Please pray for all of these kids in the hospital. I was happy to be able to put a few smiles on their faces as I visited with them and delivered the Valentine's that the 1st graders in Mrs. Drennan's class made for them.

This little guy was so excited for my visit.

Loved meeting Naveah!