Friday, February 28, 2014

Radiothon and Hospital Visit

What an enriching day I had today at MU Children's Hospital. I spent the morning working with the local Radiothon by answering phones for the 4 Zimmer Radio Group radio stations that were onsite promoting the radiothon. Many miracle children were on hand with their parents telling their stories about what MU Childrens' Hospital has done to help their family. It was so great meeting so many people that work right here in my own community helping children and families in need. The hospital was such a warm and welcoming place to these kids and all of the staff seemed to be like family to them.

In the afternoon, I had the opportunity to visit children that were admitted to the hospital. I saw children as young as 2 years old up through 17 years old. It was so humbling to speak with them and bring a little sunshine to their day as a special visitor. Thank you to MU Children's Hospital staff for having me and for everything you do for our community! The Radiothon raised more than $226,000 in the past 2 days for this great organization! Thank you for your support.

My first phone call of the day!

The bank of phones and volunteers.

More phone calls

The broadcasting area

Guests telling their story on the 4 radio stations.

Keeping DJ's informed of the time left for the Triple Play match.

With the beautiful Shelby Ringdahl!

Shelby introducing me to Cassidy Rae

Visiting with Cassidy Rae - she's a Superstar!

I got to meet the National Coordinator of the Radiothon!

Cassidy Rae

LOVED meeting this little Princess Kadyn today. We loved posing for this picture in our crowns.
Here's my buddy Collin.

Thanks to Corinne who helped me meet so many cute kids today!

TJ the MU Hospital Mascot brings many smiles at the hospital.

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