Sunday, March 15, 2015

Dance Competition Weekend

I have been fortunate enough to be able to train at Columbia Performing Arts Center since I was in 1st grade. I have been on the competition team which I auditioned for and was selected for at the age of 6. The competition team, under the direction of Jen Lee, is one of the best in the nation. We are offered so many fabulous opportunities through our studio owner, Mrs. Nancy Laurie. Training in the studio has taught me how to work with others as a team and also to develop a talent that I had a passion for at a young age. I have learned ballet, tap, jazz, contemporary, lyrical and hip hop dance. Now, as a senior dancer on the team, I look back on the younger dancers and see how much potential they have as well. Dance teaches you so many things that relate to the 4 points of the crown. Perhaps that is why we have so many dancers competing for Miss Missouri's Outstanding Teen this year!

This weekend we attended the Starpower Talent Competition in St. Louis. This is one of the largest dance competitions in the nation. Our team did very well. One of our dances, "Shattered and Hollow", a large group lyrical, won 1st overall at the competition. Many of our other dances were in the Top 10 as well. Thanks to my teachers Jen Lee, Kristen Weiser, Olympia Jordan and the rest of the CPAC staff who work tirelessly to make us the best that we can be!   #success

Shattered and Hollow

From Ashes with Olympia Jordan, our resident Choreographer

The fabulous Jen Lee

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