Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Dance Weekend

I had a great weekend training in my talent of dance this weekend at the Adrenaline Dance Convention and Competition in St. Louis, MO.  I competed in 7 group dances with my studio and we did quite well, coming home with 1st Overall Status with Small Group, Large Group and Lines. Our dance "Walk It Off" was awarded the "Best of Show" in the 13+ age range of all dances competing.

In addition to competing I got to take classes with some fabulous choreographers and train in ballet, contemporary, jazz, hip hop and tap. 14 hours of dancing on Saturday and 9 hours on Sunday means I'm pretty worn out but it was a great time!

Giving Kate a hug after a long, but fun weekend!

My CPAC buddy Mira. It's her first year on the team and she did GREAT!

Just some of the awards that our studio received,

Accepting our award for the "Best of Show" with all of the weekend's choreographers!

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Long weekend prep

Back to school after a 3-Day weekend preparing for the state pageant. I had a great time seeing my sister queens and participating in mock interviews. Thanks to my directors for providing these opportunities for us to get together, help each other and brush up on interviews, walking and talent!

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Successful Fitness Fun Day

Wow! We had a great day for our Fitness Fun Day. Nearly 60 boys and girls turned out for this fun event. We warmed up and worked out with dancing, cheering, kickball, basketball, jump roping, hula hooping, tumbling and more. Thanks for turning out to learn about my platform, "Operation Fit Kids" and help MU Children's Miracle Network Hospital. We had kids from 19 different elementary schools, including 7 from schools outside of Columbia.  Thank you for supporting this event!

Thank you Shelby and Dawn for helping me with this event!

I couldn't have done this without these AWESOME Rock Bridge High School 9th graders!
Thank you Allison, Rontayza, Emma, Mallory, Lindsey, Katie, Madeline, Sara, Jacob, Mason, Eric, Connor and Caleb
for donating your time for my event.

Stay fit!

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Fitness Fun Day countdown...3 Days

We still have some space available at my Fitness Fun Day this Saturday!  All proceeds benefit Children's Miracle Network and it will be a GREAT time!  It's not too late to sign up.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Columbia Morning with David Lile

If you are near a radio on Thursday morning at 8:45am, be sure and tune it to KFRU 1400 to hear my live interview with David Lile. I will be speaking about my platform, Operation Fit Kids as well as other aspects of the Miss America Outstanding Teen program.