Sunday, January 12, 2014

Successful Fitness Fun Day

Wow! We had a great day for our Fitness Fun Day. Nearly 60 boys and girls turned out for this fun event. We warmed up and worked out with dancing, cheering, kickball, basketball, jump roping, hula hooping, tumbling and more. Thanks for turning out to learn about my platform, "Operation Fit Kids" and help MU Children's Miracle Network Hospital. We had kids from 19 different elementary schools, including 7 from schools outside of Columbia.  Thank you for supporting this event!

Thank you Shelby and Dawn for helping me with this event!

I couldn't have done this without these AWESOME Rock Bridge High School 9th graders!
Thank you Allison, Rontayza, Emma, Mallory, Lindsey, Katie, Madeline, Sara, Jacob, Mason, Eric, Connor and Caleb
for donating your time for my event.

Stay fit!

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