Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Orientation and CPAC Showcase

We are now less than 60 days until we have to be in Mexico, Missouri for the Miss Missouri pageant. Last weekend I got to meet with the directors and meet all of the contestants at orientation. There are a great group of girls this year and I am so looking forward to renewing old friendships and making new ones. I will be competing in the preliminary evening gown competition on Thursday night, with my interview on Wednesday afternoon.

Once a Sister Queen, always a Sister Queen, with Charlee Bisch, Miss Metro St. Louis Outstanding Teen
After a quick trip to Mexico for the orientation I raced back to Columbia for the Columbia Performing Arts Center competition showcase. This is where we perform all of our competition dances for our families and friends so they can see what we are competing when we go out of town. There were 2 shows that were both nearly sold out and the team looked great! I am so thankful to be a part of this organization that has such high quality teachers and facilities for me to train at. Thank you to Miss Nancy Laurie for providing us with the amazing facility and program.

Miss Heartland's, Miss Gateway's and Miss Chesterfield Valley's Misses and Teens

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