Sunday, November 10, 2013

Central Missouri Honor Flight

This has been a busy week! On Monday night, I went to see off the Veterans on the 26th Central Missouri honor Flight. Central Missouri Honor Flight has raised over $2 Million to send 1551 veterans to Washington D.C. to visit their Memorials and have a proper welcome back home in appreciation for the service that they have given to their countries. Many of these Veterans served in WW II and the Korean War.

I was honored to meet some of the gentlemen traveling on this flight and greet them upon their return and hear the many stories that they had about their 24 hour journey. It was so moving and emotional!  Here are some of the pictures from my visit.

Bob was the first Veteran that I met!

He was happy to see me at the Welcome home party!

Howard was from Mexico and excited for the trip.

Jan was a volunteer that told us all about their schedule!

 Howard was back from the flight and ready to party!

Volunteers who were helping at the sendoff and return.

 The great Welcome home band!

Leroy was so touched by the trip and the great welcome home!

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